La Galera

This village near to Mas hosts a ceramic festival each year with potters coming from all over the Iberian peninsular and islands. Not much else going for it.

Horta de Sant Joan

Is a beautiful hill town in the Terra Alta behind the Els Ports mountains. It was made famous when Picasso moved there for several years during his blue period. It is now a popular tourist stop, but be prepared for the steep streets that wind up and down throughout the town. The rocks de Benet.

Sant Carles de la Rapita

Our seaside town which is embraced by the southern curl of the Ebro Delta. Its fish restaurants are well patronised with people travelling down from Baracalona to enjoy the local shellfish and fish dishes. A new marina has just been completed to provide space for the growing number of leisure boat enthusiasts.


Is located in the hills about 35 minutes drive up the Ebro river. Once a year it hosts a Goat Fair, as in the past it was a famous location for buying and selling goats which herded in from all over Catalunya.

Pinel de Brai

Made famous by the Gaudi designed Cooperative. The tiles along the front are amazing

Cases d'Alcanar

Is a small fishing town just below the Delta & Sant Carles de la Rapita. t has a long pebbly beach which isn't very inviting. It does have some excellent fish restaurants, which easily make up for the dodgy beach. Well worth a visit for a fishy lunch.


In June 2008 we visited Barcelona for the first time, to meet friends who live there and to see the sights.
The Sagrada Familia is as impressive close up as it is in all the photo's you see.I don't have a good head for heights, so we stayed on the ground. It was interesting to see the different styles that have been employed over the years of its construction.
Park Guell is outstanding. The exuberance of the place and the multitude of different motifs used mark it as one of the truly exceptional public places to visit. The old palace is now an art museum. Not my favourite sort of thing, but very imposing and on a (rare) clear day, it would offer amazing views over the city.


One evening our friends, Barbara & Des took us to a Flamenco cub they rated. It was a tiny basement room with seating for about 50. We were lucky enough to get front row seats and were treated to 1 hour's worth of pure energy, Flamenco stylee. The two dancers were both brilliant as were the backing musicians. The singing made all the hairs on my neck stand out.

Euro 2008

Our last night coincided with the Euro cup finals where Spain won in great style. Barcelona erupted in a profusion of noise as fireworks were set off, people erupted onto the streets and cars and bikes raced past, horns blaring while their passengers hung out their windows waving flags. We took the bus home after midnight and it was like watching one huge street party through the windows.


One night we were all given these masks which were advertising a new Cubana Review

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