
Despite the Catalan's love for shooting everything that moves, there is a good variety of wildlife in and around our area. The trouble is trying to get photographs of it. At the moment I have only managed to get pictures of the local Cabras (wild goats). The one in the bottom three pictures saw us and ran stright up the vertical cliff before reappearing at the top of the hill about 20 seconds later.BBBBBBBBBBBThe wild boar are numerous, but extremelylusive and have so far stayed well out of my camera's viewfinder. Our barranc abounds with rabbits and there are hare, foxes and badgers out there. They are just unwilling to get photographed. The photo of the shepherd with his sheep was taken just outside the village. They make a beautiful sight and sound, with their clonking bells, as they wander up the road back home after a day's grazing.


Vultures rule the skies here. Nearly all Griffin vultures, but occassionally we spot an Egyptian vulture. The other birds of prey we see are booted eagles, black kites, kestrels, sparrow hawks and the occassional hobby. Down on the Ebro delta, there is an indigenous Flamingo population as well as lots of Ibis and Herons and thousands of ducks. Ospreys do well catching fish in the shallow lagoons.

Bugs n Things

The bugs are from the Finc. The snake was in the kitchen, No kidding, it made me jump

Pets and Farm Animals

Everyone here has at least one pet. When blessing of St. Antoni to the animals take place there are cats, dogs, bunnies, horses and the occasional guineapig. There are two shepherds, with herds at opposite ends of the village, whose herds are regular roadside scenes.In 2009 a different shepherd grazed his flock on our land a couple of times. The trouble with this is the goats climb the trees to eat the leaves & olives. Not good.

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