March '10

Fira D'Oli - Jesus

Just before the end of February, we visited the Fira D'oli in Jesus. Their Aoli making contest was well supported and competitors showed some inventiveness in how to make the best aoli. Piercing the cap of your oil bottle was a good one. You get a much more manageable dribble of oil that way. A donkey gets to show how they used to crush olives for oil. It would need a lot of filtering, me-thinks. Elsewhere, there were Catalan butchers stalls and old ladies selling good quality woven baskets & things. The Exposicio de Oli was very interesting, especially as we are looking forward to cropping the olives for the first time this Autumn/Winter.

From Darkest Africa

Well, from the seas & forests of Madagascar, Alex returns back home after his six month stint cataloguing flora & fauna. It is great to see him again and hear all about his adventure. I am sure it will change his life.

Almond Blossom

The almond blossom is very good this year. It has been a bit disappointing the last couple of years, but more than made up for it this year


Boris & Dozer decided the hills were greener over there this month. Shortly after the middle photo was taken they disappeared one sunny morning. At the end of the month, Boris had a little terrier like stray puppy called Bran to play with. She was very spirited and would hold no quarter when it came to defending her food. Another stray bitch has started hanging around. Semi wild, she won't let us touch her and stays a steady 4-5ft away from us.

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