September '10

Preparing for the picking season

It was time to get out the cultivador again, as some rain had fallen and the picking season was getting nearer.
This is the third time I have worked over the ground beneath our olive trees, and it is beginning to show some positive results. The lumps and bumps I had created the first time I ploughed are levelling out nicely and the amount of weeds and grassy tufts have been dramatically reduced. We still need to get it clearer & flatter to be able to get the olives up.
The mini-digger has put in some sterling work moving the large piles of gravel & ballast that have been getting in the way of my tractoring.

fish for a celebration

PG & I celebrated our first date anniversary with a meal in Sant Carles de la Rapita. The fish was delicious and a welcome change from the meatier fare we get in Mas de Barberans

100 Year Anniversary at Sol Debre

Sol D'Ebre is a farmers coopertive in Tortosa which we are joining. They held their centenary celebrations at the end of September and we were lucky enough to get invited even though we were not yet full members.
The Jefe had managed to get Puyol to come as a keynote speaker After a couple of hours of speeches by the various dignitaries, everyone decamped into the main production building for a massive meal. Over 1,400 people were seated on the main floor and the mezzanine floor. Fideu & Arroz negre were served up after platefuls of nibbles and it was all washed down with bottle after bottle of red wine, cava and then cremat (a hot coffee & brandy mix).


Too many puppy pictures to post. This one of all three of them will have to suffice.

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