August '10

Fira Cultural

This year was only the second one when we have been in Mas for the Fira Cultural. It is a week long event focusing on basket making and local cuisine as well as having a Catalan film night, Habaneros singing night, a Paella night and even fireworks. The new village museum which focuses on basketry and other local crafts is a bit unreal in a place the size of Mas, but well worth the visit. Various village ladies are demostrating their basket making techniques and their solidarity with the traditions involved. The olive cart in the museum is just beautiful. We had the rusted remains of one left in the Moli, but it was firewood material. The spirit witch standing in the museum stairwell is wonderful.


Part timers, Mary & Richard were enjoying the summer in Mas and we joined forces at the paella night. I'm sure I was having my ear bent by Richard in the cause of some shaggy dog story in this photo. PG & Mary look a lot more tranquil together. There were about 500 people being fed & entertained till late. It was a great night. I entertained the locals in my kilt



Now we had to choose which puppies we would keep and which ones had to go. D'oli, Panda & Piglet made the keepies list while the other eight went to a good dog rescue centre near L'Aldea.
D'oli is the biggest and most adventurist with Panda next and Piglet is a scared little girl. They have been moved into the pen with Theo & Bran, so there is quite a lot of rough & tumble.
Bran did not like them getting in her face or near the food when she was eating. After a couple of weeks, Bran didn't come back from her morning run. Although she was very humanised (unlike Cleo), she was always only interested in herself. She was another lovely dog.

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