July '08

Travelling Again

This time we flew to Boston where we stayed for a few days, then drove down to Cape Cod for a family wedding.


Boston was lovely, apart from the humidity on the first day. The hotel was on the waterfront and right opposite Fauniel Market. Alex had his 20th birthday the day after we arrived, which prompted a lobster supper at Legal Seafood. The next day we took the trolley bus ride round the city and learned a lot about its history and people. We also managed to squeeze in some shopping at one of the downtown malls.

Woods Hole, Cape Cod

The wedding of the year. Well, actually it was our only wedding of the year, but it was still definitely the wedding of the year.
We met Andrea's wonderful family and their friends. We were treated to the most amazing three day long wedding celebrations. We spent time at an idyllic beach house. We even went Whale watching and did a bit of sport fishing to boot. My greatest thanks goes to Ed who so casually put up with over 200 people tramping round the beach house and drinking and eating everything in sight.

Friday night, Clam Bake

It started with a Clam Bake on their private beach the night before the wedding. The groom was looking slightly peaky from the exertions of the previous night. The bride acted calmly but was obviously nervous about the big day ahead.

The Wedding Day

She need not have worried. The Wedding day was beautiful. The bride looked gorgeous in an ivory coloured ruched tube dress with a magnificent headdress of antique lace that had been her mothers. The groom was handsome in his family tartan. The service was very informal and went without any hitches. All the bridesmaids and groomsmen looked wonderful. The groom's brother stirred our hearts with some excellent bagpipe music, and then we went on to the beach house for speeches, dinner and dancing until the last bus ferried us back to our beds well after midnight.

Sunday Brunch

The next morning we were ferried back to the beach house for a brunch and to see the married couple leave to start their lives together with a weeks honeymoon in Hawaii

Whale Watching

The day after that, a large group of us trooped off to get on a boat to go Whale Watching. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but during 2 1/2 hours we saw about 30 Humpbacked Whales all around us. They were quite oblivious to us and just went on bubble fishing and swimming around sometimes right next to the boat.

Sport Fishing

Neil & Ollie managed to secure some places on a Sport Fishing boat for our last day in Cape Cod, so after breakfast in a genuine American Diner, we got onto a 30ft boat and motored out to a sandbank to catch "Blue Fish". The fishing was good, with all three rods on action at once and over 30 fishes were landed. We took eight fillets home and barbequed them for the family at the beach house. They were delicious.


Having taken over 600 pictures, I can only post a few of my favourites here. They really don't do justice to what will be remembered as the most amazing holiday of our lives.
Thanks to everyone who was involved in the organisation of the wedding especially my sister,Tas, who had to help outwhile being over 3,000 miles away from the action. Penny, Alex and I are all looking forward to renewing the friendships we so rapidly formed during the few days we had in Cape Cod. Now we are going to sit back, plug in the Ipod and listen to some of The Tubes classics. :)

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