May '12

Hot Dog

Akon takes a well deserved splat on the kitchen floor. He is a bit heavy for this weather

Finca Friends

The finca is steadily improving with the push to cut the trees on the hill. The Spring flowers are out and everything is nice and green.
At the end of the month, Ollie and Ellen came to do some work on the trees and to get ready for an epic bike ride holiday across France to the UK. They have been cutting the spring browth out the centre of the trees and helping to clear up after my manic chainsawing sessions.


The weather is warm enough for the snakes to come out and enjoy the heat on the roads. This one was just at the bridge over the barranc.
Every so often some of the village men get together and have supper up at the bar. This is a special arrangement meal which the usually provide themselves. This one had Boccerones in batter (little fish) and a plain tomato onion and oil stew that was delicious.
Pondgirl took the picture of Panda in one of her less mangy looking moments and finally one of the village houses was repainted by the guy we are having paint our house. Let's hope he dosn't get any ideas.

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