September '12


Extra Red is now a regular visitor to our finca and spends lots of time with Cleo, Panda & Piglet. When he met House for the first time Cleo was very motherly and protective, nudging and pushing Extra Red to let him know he had to be nice. House still takes a cautious approach, just in case.
We got a dog car harness with a seat-belt fixing for him, so he can enjoy going in the car. We will need the next size up soon as you can see from the two pictures taken at the beginning and end of September. With him in the harness, we took him & Alex down to Platja Eucalytus so we could all play in the water. House wasn't sure at first, but ran around the edge and jumped in a couple of times. He certainly looked happy enough. Unfortunately for him, we decided that he should have a shower when we got home. I lost the toss to shower him.

Police Drive-by

We were in the flat late one morning when we heard a lot of sirens in the distance. When we got down to the road, there was a continous stream of police cars bikes, scooters, ambulances, fire vans and even a scuba unit went past. No one seemed quite sure what it was all about. I would guess it was a Rajoy show of force in rebel Catalunya.

No. 11

Our friend Salva has started painting the ceilings and walls and lots of things are being finished off, although it never looks like much has been done.
The limestone floors have been polished and at the end of the month the carpenter turned up with the carcasses of the kitchen units. More of the sanitary ware has been fitted and they are starting work on the outside of the house to connect up the services and finish the road.

Invalid Chair

Drive down a town street in England with your gran on this seat and eyebrows would be raised. Here, it is the obvious way to get granny to and from her friends house.


At our usual spot down the end of the Delta, we saw a lot of Flamingos. This was just one of three flocks in sight. They seem to be in much bigger numbers than five years ago, but I would have to check the records.

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