August '13

Artisans Fira & Cultural Festes

The beginning of August always starts with the weekend Artisans Fira, then 10 days of cultural festes. You know, village wide water fights, dancing in the open air till you drop, eating too much cake. Stuff like that.
The fira is based on the villages tradition of woven crafts and brings together a wide group of basket makers, weavers as well as others, from all over europe. There are workshops, demonstrations and lots of lovely things to buy.


Drummers, traditional players and the village band all get their chance to fire up the crowds.

Cocs i Cremat

Once the fira had finished, the festes started. As most of the villagers never go on holiday, this is their chance to relax and have a good time with their friends. One night, you get to eat a plate of cakes made by the village ladies club and drink a firily fiendish coffee liquor called "cremat" while a Mariachi band bangs out some old favourites. Then everyone of all ages gets up and starts dancing.

Water Play

A couple of years ago, they re-introduced the water festival.
This is a chance for everyone who fancies it to get soaked. Tractor pull trailers that are full of water and people who are chucking bucket loads of water on everything with in striking distance. The crowd have usually come prepared and employ a wide range of countermeasures on all and sundry.

Bands and Bouncy Castles

This band is just warming up as the sun goes down and people start arriving. Usually the real party doesn't start until midnight, in fact a lot are only scheduled to start then.
Even the kids have a special play session day and a pool party.


Cloudy Skies

Methinks P.G. is looking at too many cloud chaser websites.


Breaking Bad, Feeling Flat

A metal bar on the back of our tractor fractured, impaling itself in the inside of the right rear tyre and in doing so it totally destroyed the tyres inner sidewall. This was a major pain as it takes a few days to replace a tractor tyre and costs a fortune.

visiting friends

We ended the month with a drive up the coast to a town above Reus to see some catalan friends and had such a great time I forgot to take any photo's of note apart from this one. It is a 40 year old Spanish Brandy that we finished the meal with and it was wonderfully smooth with a lovely flavour.

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