March '09

Tractor with Pala

The pala arrived early in the month. It was built by the village metalworker and is a versatile tool on a tractor. You can fill, carry and dump just about anything with it. Very handy indeed.

Puppies' Progress

The puppies are doing well under Floozies watchfully eye. She is being an excellent mother and keeping them clean and well fed.

Cachorros a Quatre Setmanas

Now they are 4 weeks old, individual characteristics are becoming evident. Dozer is quieter than the rest. Theo is the exploerer, along with Trotsky. Willow will attack any of them fearlessly, while Buffy likes to be the first back into the basket after a tiring session of running around.

Birthday Celebrations

Another birthday came around for me this month. We took a day off and ground the last few mm's of rubber off the front tyres driving up to Morella for lunch. By the time we got back the tyres were down to the wire in the carcass.
That night, there was a lovely clear sky and a bright full moon.

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