October '11

No. 11

Beneito, Jordi & co. have got the foundations down and are now working on the rear wall that is against the road. Luckily for them there has not been any rain, which could have caused the existing wall to collapse onto our building site.
The metal formers were put in position just before we left for the UK and we were looking forward to returning to see the finished retaining wall.


We took the Sanatander ferry back to Plymouth to see Pondson and deliver his drum kit. The trip was very smooth and in the morning, we saw a number of dolphins jumping towards the ferry so they could play in it's wake
The approach to Plymouth brought a surprise, as a ferris wheel similar to the London Eye had been erected behind the promenade. Another surprise awaited when we met Pondson. His hair style had changed rather a lot from the dreadlocks he sported during the summer.
After a couple of nights in Plymouth, we drove up to see our families and I gave my father a late birthday present of a group of fishes that I had bought at the Artisans fair in Mas during August. They looked great once they were positioned in the lawn next to the river. The final picture shows some of the wall plaques my father has collected. The bottom left one is the Roman arch in Tortosa which starts our end of the trail to Santiago de Compostella.

Back in Mas

Still no rain here, but the back wall had been finished while we were away and the steel formers had been taken down. At least now there is no chance of the road collapsing.

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