Introducing Boris. Another wild puppy found wandering outside our apartment in the village. A proper hunting dog, who most probably had a good pedigree behind him. He was never going to be a keeper, but it was lovely to be able to bring him up through his puppyhood into being a strong young dog. The call of the wild, or more likely a bitch in heat, lured him off one day and he never returned.



Another wild thing that we found outside the holiday house of our Irish friends Richard & Mary. She was curled up on the roadside and watched us plaintively as we welcomed our friends during one of their visits in April '10. As she was still there the next day, we took her back to the finca, gave her a bath and fed her, before putting her in the dog pen with the others.

She was very self assured and while fully humanised, was always running off for the night if she could. She was extremley feisty with Theo and would let him near the food when she was eating. After Theo's puppies were born, she did not like them getting near her and soon after the three we kept were put in the dog pen, she decided to move out for good.




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